
A/PROF alex m t russell


experimental gambling research laboratory

cquniversity australia

I am a gambling researcher, based in Sydney, Australia. My focus is on how technology is changing gambling, who is most at risk from these changes and what can be done to minimise potential harm. This work also extends into certain types of video games, and screen time in general.

I’m also interested in other topics, like loneliness, taste and smell perception and wine expertise.

Please see my Research page for more information. You can download many of my publications for free, or contact me for copies of any that you can’t download. I’m always happy to send them.

If you would like to take part in my research, you can join our panel of research participants by following the survey link at cqu.edu.au/lewis

I mostly teach statistics. I am working on detailed resources for researchers of all levels, including undergraduate students, Honours, Masters and PhD students, ECRs, and even more established researchers.

Watch this space!

Please see this section for detailed lessons on how to do online surveys in the Qualtrics survey platform.

I also have a range of resources on topics like how to use reference managers, how to choose a journal and many other topics.